Use "mineralization|mineralizations" in a sentence

1. The stratiform sulphide deposits and accompanying manganese mineralizations are of synsedimentary-exhalative origin.

2. CONCLUSIONS: Asymmetric mineralization of the Arytenoid cartilages …

3. Not all mineralization meets these criteria for various reasons.

4. Decreasing temperatures and younger age of mineralization with increasing distance from the CPC imply that plutons of the CPC were the main heat source responsible for mineralization.

5. The mineralization genetically is associated with volcanic rocks accompanying the ore beds.

6. Fluorite-mineralizations in fissures of the Gutenstein Strata (Anis—Mid-Triassic) are located in tectonic zones, near evaporites.

7. Mineralization is not obviously related to structure, unconformities, or evaporite solution.

8. Vein-type barite mineralizations from the Saxothuringian and Moldanubian zone of the NE Bavarian Basement have similar87Sr/86Sr ratios.

9. Naartok’s mineralization is hosted by a west-trending, steeply north-dipping alteration zone (dolomite-sericite-silica-albite) of disseminated, stockwork, and breccia-style gold-pyrite mineralization within mafic volcanic rocks.

10. Low grade copper mineralization in volcanic rocks, orthoclase-rich replacement Breccial containing <0

11. Vesuvianite can be used to date the formation of skarn mineralizations and possibly also the metamorphism and metasomatism of Argillaceous limestones

12. Where mineralization is low grade, these accompanying rocks alternate with the mineralized quartzite bands.

13. Other tissues may Calcify following chronic inflammation or through mineralization of dead tissue (dystrophic calcification).

14. This anti-microbial peptide is a Bacterioidal against gram negative bacteria,, MMP, mineralization

15. Biphenyl exposure and attributed the deaths to marked mineralization of the kidneys and heart

16. Mineralization consists of Eocene auriferous quartz–carbonate veins, which cut the regional metamorphic fabrics.

17. This is the largest of five zones of mineralization and lies close to the apex of the Thor Lake Syenite, a region which was then subjected to albitization, microclinization, and, finally, rare-metal mineralization.

18. The distribution of mineralization within the inferior surface of the acromion was assessed using CT osteoabsorptiometry.

19. Mineralization is comprised of strong quartz flooding accompanied by disseminated pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and visible gold.

20. Stockwork mineralization accompanied by intense bleaching and chemical changes. Albitization, sericitization and silification are widespread.

21. The degree of mineralization is a determinant of bone strength: a study on human Calcanei Bone

22. Primary mineralization was characterized by the occurrence of active forming cells, extracellular matrix vesicles and calcifying calcospheritic structures.

23. The orefield structure resulted mainly from simple shear progressive deformation, and tectonic deformation was in synchronism with mineralization.

24. Lead isotopic compositions of galena within the Spanish Mine metamorphic suite indicate additional Proterozoic activity and mineralization.

25. Small differences were recorded in the SOC concentrations, aggregation and aggregate stability, soil organic pools and C mineralization.

26. Some of these contain significant mineralization with an increase in the Pt/Pd ratio upward in the succession.

27. Orogenic gold mineralization is associated with quartz veins that are surrounded by hypozonal potassic and sulfidic alteration zones.

28. The “acid-sulfate” epithermal mineralization of the eastern vetas of Layo appears to have preceded an “adularia-sericite” epithermal mineralization expressed in the western vetas of Layo and also in the nearby large epithermal veins at Orcopampa and Shila.

29. Mineralization is accompanied by wallrock alteration comprising a spatially restricted potassic type and a regional propylitic alteration type.

30. Mineralization is associated with quartz veins that cut through tonalite dykes that behaved more brittlely than the surrounding metavolcanic rocks.

31. Electron microprobe step-scanning of gold from Alder Gulch, Montana, suggests more than one mineralization event took place.

32. The newly formed bone is abnormal in structure and mineralization resulting in deformity and increased risk of fracture.

33. The porphyry mineralization further benefited from the dry climate that let them largely out of the disturbing actions of meteoric water.

34. These intrusives are cross-cut by polymetallic ore veins (Fe-Cu-Zn-Pb), and are hydrothermally altered in association with the mineralization.

35. Research of biomineralization has had a long history, but the function of living beings and organic evolution in mineralization was usually ignored.

36. On the 1500 level, significant widths of altered volcanic rocks containing sections of quartz veins and pyrite-arsenopyrite mineralization were encountered.

37. Statistical distribution parameters are varied at different positions of mineralized bodies which reflects variation of mineralization intensity in the vertical extent.

38. Chondrocyte‐specific knockout of Foxa2 and Foxa3 led to post‐natal dwarfism with profound defects in Chondrocyte hypertrophy and mineralization in the sternebrae

39. Many of the rocks are lavas of Cretaceous and Tertiary geological ages with apparently little mineralization except around the plateau edges.

40. The objective of the current study was to develop a CT based method for measuring the acromiohumeral distance and inferior acromial mineralization.

41. However, an area within the CHBZ contains fragmented realgar clasts with Au-bearing iron-sulfide rims, indicating localized mineralization both post- and pre-Brecciation

42. In seven cases the maximal inferior acromial mineralization was identical in both shoulders, and in two cases it was lower on the affected side.

43. Cummings (1987) has broken down the Amygdaloids into four distinct and discernible stratigraphic zones based on the secondary mineralization expected in each

44. Analysis of covariance uncovered the significance of the soil fauna for the increase in soil respiration, specific microbial respiration and carbon mineralization.

45. By inhibiting mineralization while stimulating immobilization, poplar secondary compounds may reduce soil N-availability during the transition betwen alder and poplar stages in succession.

46. Mineralization at Main Hill occurs in quartz breccias with sulfide matrices and in altered wall rock adjacent to quartz–biotite–amphibole ± clinopyroxene veins.

47. Addition of Tetrahymena thermophila to sewage in which the indigenous protozoa were not active lengthened the acclimation period for the mineralization of p-nitrophenol.

48. Mineralization at Zakanaka is characterized by a broad wall rock alteration halo of biotite–amphibole, and zoned quartz–calc silicate veins proximal to ore.

49. But if re-mineralization is the focus of your training, consider going for Bungees one or two categories stiffer than required by your body weight

50. The results show that addition of lignin peroxidase ALip-P3 to soil transiently enhanced the short-term rate of carbon mineralization in the soil.

51. This mineralization has evolved in several stages ranging from high- to low-temperature hydromagmatic, with weathering and latertic concentration followed by erosion and placer accumulation in alluvial channels.

52. Complete nutrient additions in the form of C, N and P resulted in the most significant increase in activity, as assessed by hexadecane mineralization, nitrification and denitrification.

53. Several mineralization types with economic potential were identified, including high-grade veins, carbonatite dikes, fenitic selvages of the carbonatite dikes, and altered syenite and other host rocks.

54. 25 Discussed in this paper is the mineralization of granitoid rocks based on SIMS data on trace elements and volatile components in apatite, zircon and biotite from granitoid rocks.

55. Consistence between isotopic model age of lead ore and intrusion age of quartz porphyry shows close relations among structure movements, magmatism and mineralization in Stage of Yenshan

56. A renewed tensional regime accompanied by marine transgression during the higher Permian produced evaporite deposits and minor epigenetic mineralization dominated by Fe in the Austro-Alpine area.

57. Enamel is avascular and has no nerve supply within it and is not renewed, however, it is not a static tissue as it can undergo mineralization changes.

58. In this rather complicated process of mineralization anabiotic and catabiotic steps seem to be essential in order to acchieve the necessary local accumulation of calcium- and phosphate ions.

59. Owing to the lack of mineralization in many of the forest specimens, the traditional characterization of "fossilisation" fails for these forests and "mummification" may be a clearer description.

60. The dacitic rocks associated with the porphyry copper-gold mineralization have porphyritic textures with phenocrysts of alkali feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, and very rare amphibole in a fine-grained feldspathic groundmass.

61. Copper mineralization occurs mainly as disseminations around and in the altered stocks, and in the form of veins and stockworks and as impregnations in the surrounding lavas and pyroclastic rocks.

62. Electron micrographs of fish dentin, at a very early stage of mineralization, show the needle-like Crystallites lying in dense strips between collagen fibrils and practically no Crystallites within the fibrils.

63. Porphyry copper-gold mineralization consists mainly of disseminated and/or vein-related chalcopyrite within the central potassic alteration zone which also hosts the highest gold grades (up to 2 ppm).

64. Mineralization with calcium phosphate is the most common type of Coprolite preservation, and is thought to be representative of carnivorous scats, in which the calcium and phosphorus elements came

65. While soil warming increases decomposition rates, the accompanying increase in nutrient mineralization may promote tree growth in these nutrient-poor soils and thereby compensate for the increased carbon loss during decomposition.

66. Biodegradation publishes papers, reviews, and mini-reviews on all aspects of science pertaining to the biotransformation, mineralization, detoxification, recycling, amelioration or treatment of chemicals or waste materials by naturally-occurring microbial strains, …

67. At Ririwai, Nigeria, a biotite granite has suffered extensive post-magmatic metasomatism to produce albitized, microclinized, and greisenized rocks; the latter two lithologies form the wallrocks adjacent to tin-zinc vein-style mineralization.

68. Our dating of micas from within the deposit suggests that the greisenization process that accompanied mineralization took place about 295 ± 5 Ma ago, that is, ca. 60 Ma after the emplacement of the batholith.

69. Biodegradation publishes papers, reviews and mini-reviews on the biotransformation, mineralization, detoxification, recycling, amelioration or treatment of chemicals or waste materials by naturally-occurring microbial strains, microbial associations, or recombinant organisms.

70. N saturation is defined here as persistent losses of # and/or # in stream-flow or groundwater discharge, which may be accompanied by increases in N mineralization and nitrification in soil (Stoddard

71. After Cratonization, the NCC was essentially stable until the Mesozoic, when intense felsic magmatism and related mineralization, deformation, pull-apart basins, and exhumation of the deep crust widely occurred, indicative of destruction or

72. These result in thickening and shortening of the cortices, formation of club-like deformities in the distal femur, and widened epiphyseal growth plates with delayed mineralization of cartilage, all of which increase with age.

73. N saturation is defined here as persistent losses of NO3- and/or NH4+ in stream-flow or groundwater discharge, which may be accompanied by increases in N mineralization and nitrification in soil ( QUOTE "Stoddard 1994"

74. This early advanced argillic alteration is followed by Brecciation and a second stage of advanced argillic alteration and mineralization comprised of alunite-pyrite-enargite (APE) that forms a zone nearly coincident with the earlier zone.

75. Loveland’s Biocatalyst products contain technology that is naturally derived, designed to increase nutrient availability from applied fertilizers, promote nutrient mineralization in the soil to increase existing nutrient availability, and support root growth through biochemical reactions with the plant

76. Compared with model group, simvastatin, low- and high-dose of ZXC administration decreased the ratio of intimal area and medial area by 81.1%, 71.1% and 71.4%, respectively (p < 0.01), and significantly Alleviated collagen deposition and mineralization in rat arteries.

77. age of 109 Ma (Mueller and Nemchin, 2005), similar to but younger than any previously dated zircons in the Los Ranchos Formation (Kesler et al., 2005), clearly limiting Pueblo Viejo mineralization to an Early Cretaceous Age coeval with the Los Ranchos

78. Biodegradation is defined as the biologically catalyzed reduction in complexity of chemical compounds [].Indeed, Biodegradation is the process by which organic substances are broken down into smaller compounds by living microbial organisms [].When Biodegradation is complete, the process is called "mineralization".

79. This Au ore upgrading model, referred to as “Aseismic refinement,” provides a new insight for the genesis of ultrarich Au mineralization and, based on textures reported from many Au deposits, may be a globally significant component in the formation of orogenic Au deposits.

80. U–Pb dating was carried out on nine volcanic rocks and two felsic intrusions from the Red Lake greenstone belt in order to establish an absolute time framework for the magmatic evolution of the area and yield first indications on the time of deformation and gold mineralization.